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Reveal the difference between geniune and fake refrigerant gas
2015-07-03 15:48:40 From:
Firstly Sanhe Technicians will tell you what damages would bring to refrigaration equipment if refrigerant gas purity is below standard.
1.High moisture, high acidity, would seriously corrode internal piping system of air conditioning compressor,causing the air conditioning ice blocked , air conditioning compressor seizure, and reducing the life of the air conditioning compressor.
2.Easy to leak, lack of freon in air conditioning system, idle rotation of the compressor, over-high operating temperature, mechanical wear will also reduce the life of the air conditioning compressor.
3.Increase the operating load of air-conditioning compressor, increasing fuel consumption, increase spending.
4.Few inferior refrigerants are even mixed with flammable gas, seriously affecting the life and property safety of car users.
5.Frequent occurance of bad cooling effect, although a temporarily cooling feeling would be felt after fillig of inferior refrigerants, cooling level is not enough, many of which are not up to 3 degrees.
6.Containing chlorine atoms, disclosure of which would cause great damage to the ozone layer, threatening human environment.
Refrigerant is the soul of refrigeration equipment, high refrigerant purity is particularly important for cooling devices, most notably, At the filling of high purity refrigerant,the cooling effect is obvious , the temperature drops rapidly in a large area. Low purity refrigerant can not only achieve required temperature drop, but also damage the compressor.
The use of the refrigerant has a long history, but awareness of the refrigerant still stays at a preliminary stage, people think good refirgerant only needs to have cooling effects, it is not true, refrigerants originally produced by big and well known manufacturers will take rigorous testing control of sample, purity testing by sophisticated equipment to ensure quality. But some small dealers,driven by earning high profits,sells refrigerants originally produced by manufacturers after refilling by humble refilling equipment which can not ensure the touching space of refrigerant with air, which makes refrigerant contain over content of air and moisture, that is why ice blocking would happen when refrigeration equipment was filled with such refrigerants.
Refilled refrigerants have low price, the market demand will naturally rise, but have no guarantee of quality, resulting in poor refrigerant market response, consumers may temporarily buy such refrigerats because of cheap price, but once refrigeration equipment has operational failure, the maintenance cost of equipment is small comparing to the damage of compressor because of bad quality of refrigerant.
By this analysis, Sanhe company suggests all clinets take a twice thinking in purchase and use of refrigerants, try to buy refrigerants originally refilled by big and well-know manufacturers to avoid being cheated.