- 产品物理性质
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- 用途
熔点: -97.7℃沸点:-23.7℃ 相对密度:0.92(水=1)1.78微溶于水,溶于乙醇,乙醚,苯等。
Refillable cylinder:118L.400L.800L.926L.1000L.
一氯甲烷,俗称氯甲烷,也叫甲基氯。主要用于生产甲基氯硅烷、四甲基铅、甲基纤维素。少量用于生产季胺化合物、农药,在异丁橡胶生产过程中做溶剂。四氯化碳转化一氯甲烷工程是以热氯化车间的副产物四氯化碳和氯化氢为主要原料,与甲醇反应生成一氯甲烷。实现有害物四氯化碳的有效转化利用。 Methyl Chloride is a colorless, flammable liquid which rapidly turns into a gas at standard atmospheric temperatures and pressures. The gas has a faintly sweet, non-irritating odor. Methyl Chloride is toxic, and inhalation of high concentrations can lead to central nervous system depression which could be incapacitating. Overexposure to the gas could cause headache, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, unconsciousness, and death. Both the liquid and gas pose a serious fire hazard when accidentally released. The gas is heavier than air, and may spread long distances. Distant ignition and flashback are possible. Rapid evaporation of liquid from cylinder may cause frostbite. Flame or high temperature impinging on a localized area of the cylinder of Methyl Chloride can cause the cylinder to rupture without activating the cylinder's relief devices. Provide adequate fire protection during emergency response situations.