Refrigerant gas R422D
- Physical Property
- Packing Size
- Specification
- Application
Formula: CF3CH2F
B.P., °C: -43
Critical temperature, °C: 45
Vapor pressure, MPa@25°C: 0.600
Vapor density,(Air=1.0)@25°C: 2.4
Liquid density,25°C g/cm3: 71.4
ODP(CFC-11=1): 0
GWP(CO2=1): 2624
Non-refillable cylinder:11.3kg
Refillable cylinder:100L, 800L, 926L, 1000L;
Portable tank: ISO TANK, TON TANK
Refillable cylinder:100L, 800L, 926L, 1000L;
Portable tank: ISO TANK, TON TANK
Appearance: Clear,Colorless liquid and vapor
Odor: Faint ethereal odor
Purity,≥%: 99.9
Moisture, ≤ %: 0.001
Acidity, ≤ %: 0.0001
Residue on evaporation, ≤ %: 0.01
R-422D is a refrigerant gas which can be used easily.Its ODP (ozone-depleting potential) is 0,R-422D will show a drop in capacity compared to -22, which usually translates into slightly increased run times in a properly sized system. Some system components may need to be changed if excess pressure drop develops. The hydrocarbon component in R-422D helps promote oil return in systems containing mineral oil or alkylbenzene. Although HFC refrigerants won’t mix with these oils, the hydrocarbon addition thins the oil and keeps it moving around the loop. More complicated piping arrangements or large hold-up volumes may still require some oil be changed to POE.